I am a trauma-informed Registered (via ISMETA) Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator (RSMT/RSME) with 30+ years experience with tarot. The heart of my work is restoring the archetype of the body: inhabiting the wisdom and intelligence of the body with respect, reverence, love, care, and joy. The body is its own ecosystem and is the blessed container of our humanity. My heartfelt goal with all my work is to cultivate the conditions that allow us to be better stewards of our personal and collective humanity.
My heartfelt goal, with all of my offerings, is to support people in their journey to become more somatically aware, better stewards of their bodies, more empowered to move in ways that make them feel good, and to cultivate the courage to express themselves with joy.
I am a somatic alchemist. My purpose is to hold the space for you to move, heal, grow and become who you’ve always wanted to be.
I weave my training, education and life experiences in somatic movement and experiential healing to create transformative experiences that illuminate and provide pathways to understand and expand, via the language of the body, personal and universal consciousness.
I am a Somatic Therapist and Somatic Educator, trained and certified through the Leven Institute for Expressive Movement. I provide a blend of body-centered processes; incorporating the expressive arts (drawing and movement), contemplative (mindfulness-based), and Polyvagal theory-informed (supporting the nervous system) practices. I am currently taking new clients.
I am a movement facilitator and choreographer. I create and facilitate movement experiences that support you in having a more loving, kind, pleasurable, respectful and empowered relationship with your body. I want you to feel vital, whole, strong, flexible, mobile, stable and in harmony with your unique body. Whether it’s through Somos Luceros, ArcanaDance™, Embodied Movement Explorations for Body Wisdom and Wellness, or Somatic Dance-Yoga, I am a masterful somatic facilitator, bringing compassion, playfulness and joy to any experience. My guidance is simple, clear and will allow you to move your body in ways that honor and align with your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual capabilities and values.
I am a tarot reader, guide and teacher. I work with you to have deeper access to your archetypal story so that you can draw wisdom from your past experiences, access the opportunities available to you in the present, and create beautiful paths of possibility and potentiality for your future. My aim as your tarot guide is to help you honor your self-knowing and to champion your self-determination to create the life that you most desire.
I am a coach. I work with a limited number of coaching clients that have goals that center around accessing, honoring and expanding the luminosity of their unique spirit. These courageous clients are ready for deep and intense self-reflection, want to connect with their inner wisdom using the full capacity of their somatic intelligence, and desire to learn and hone feminine leadership practices.
My guiding principles and background:
The lens that guides everything I place my energy into is “Create-Teach-Heal.” I love to:
- create experiences and resources that educate, deepen understanding, and raise consciousness,
- teach people to embody greater joy by accessing their intuitive knowing via the wisdom and intelligence of their body, and
- facilitate experiences that heal, affirm, transform, and uplift.
This lens encompasses my 25+ years experience as an educator, facilitator, program designer, program manager, and counselor in a number of industries including wellness, technology, higher education, customer service, and communications.
The mastery of the work that I do is made possible by my life experiences, countless trainings that have culminated in a First Degree Black Belt in Nia, Yoga Teacher Training , SomaSoul Somatic Therapy Training via the Leven Institute, Shake Your Soul Dance certification, ongoing medical QiGong training, an undergraduate degree in Psychology with an emphasis on neuropsychology, and graduate training in Experiential Health and Healing from The Graduate Institute, where I focused my studies on somatic awareness and embodied education.
Work with me:
Tarot Readings Move with Me Therapy with Me ArcanaDance™ Workshops Coaching
What people are saying:
Read testimonials.
Connect with me:
You can find me on Facebook for Movement and Tarot, Instagram and Twitter. Keep up with my offerings via my calendar.
Contact me:
Online Course Launching in 2024:
Stay tuned for more information. Later this year, I will be launching the first online ArcanaDance™ course.
This course was delayed for a variety of reasons, including the pandemic, and I am excited to launch it in 2024.
An ArcanaDance Course with Jennifer Lucero-Earle
Dancing with the Devil: A Somatic Exploration of the Shadow
In the tarot, The Devil represents the archetype of the shadow. The shadow embodies any part of us that we’ve banished to the dark – the parts of us we’ve denied expression, exposure and discovery. The shadow also reveals to us a complex relationship with power. Who, what, where and how do you give your power over, and at what cost?
Somatic means “relating to the body.” The body is not only where we experience life, it is the frontier of our transformation. ArcanaDance™ brings the tarot to life through the body. In this course you will learn about the physical imprint of the shadow as expressed and experienced through the language of the body. You will also learn how to use and transform the contractive energy of the shadow into something new and more expansive.
Join us for six Online Sessions delivered via live sessions (recorded), PDF lessons, short videos, playlists and Q&A in a private Facebook group. More information to come!
Header photo: ArcanaDance at “Sacred Play with the Tarot: a Special Workshop with Joanna Powell Colbert, creatrix of the Gaian Tarot.”
Photo Credit: Joanna Powell Colbert, www.gaiansoul.com