Buy classes, tarot counseling sessions, and workshops:
Somos Luceros Somatic Dance classes
Somatic Dance classes are held every Sunday.
See classes here.
All classes are pay what you can in exchange for the class experience. Donations typically range from $10-$25.
Here is the info to make a donation in exchange for the class experience or for class recording:
Venmo: Jennifer-Lucero-Earle or
Credit Card (Square):
Tarot Counseling
30 minutes – $70
- One hour – $140
- 75 minute Year Ahead Reading (great for birthdays) – $170
- 90 minutes – $190
- Two hours – $260 (most comprehensive and customized)
- Two hours – Embodying the Archetypes of your Tarot Birth Cards – $225 (uses your month/day/year of birth)
- Each additional 30 minutes – $70
Payment accepted: PayPal, Venmo or Square:
Pay via PayPal:
Tarot Consultation Packages
The following options are excellent if you’d like to work together over an extended period of time.
- 4 One-hour sessions per year – $550
- 6 One-hour sessions per year – $820
- 12 One-hour sessions per year – $1,650
- 12 Half-hour sessions per year – $820
- 2 Two-hour sessions per year – $500
- Create your own package – contact Jennifer at
Payment accepted: PayPal, Venmo or Square::
Pay via PayPal:
ArcanaDance One-on-One Sessions:
Instant Insights, Duration: 30 minutes, Cost: $150
Life Transition, Duration: 60 minutes, Cost: $225
Born Into Being, Duration: 90 minutes, Cost: $300
Future Focus, Duration: 120 minutes, Cost: $395
Payment accepted: PayPal, Venmo or Square::
Pay via PayPal:
Coming Soon – Embodied Movement Oracle Deck!
2023: My Embodied Movement Oracle (EMO) deck is nearly completion and will soon be ready for print. There are currently 90 cards in the draft I am working from. We explore many of these cards in my Wednesday Embodied Movement Explorations for Body Wisdom and Wellness classes.
How we move is connected to how we feel and what we think or believe. These embodied imprints can be habitual or forged in memory through experiences in our lives. We have the ability to mold new embodied movement patterns and expressions that are life-affirming and supportive. This deck provides awareness into movement patterns, shapes and expressions and offers us ways to explore new ones that fit the evolution of our lives.
Intent and Purpose of EMO deck: Allow you to reflect and explore how body language and expression is a source of insight, intuition, and wisdom. Turn to the body as an oracle to understand past and present embodied patterns and divine new ones for the future. Offer you several somatic-based pathways to embodiment and expression (with or without an accompanying tarot deck ;)) through movement prompts. To provide a pathway to self-discovery that emerges from the wisdom and intelligence of your body.
Workshops and Retreats:
Stay tuned to learn of offerings throughout the country, including online, in the year ahead (2021-2022).