Tarot Consultations and Embodiment Practices for Personal Transformation
The tarot is a deck of cards comprised of seventy-eight images that essentially map out the human experience. Each card has a name, such as ‘The Fool’ or ‘Ace of Swords’ and represents elements, events, or moments that we all experience; they are universal and cross-cultural (archetypes). They include leaving home for the first time, falling in love, heartbreak, finding teachers, fighting inner and outer battles, and becoming wiser with each experience. I help you access conscious embodiment of these archetypal expressions.
I work with you to have deeper access to your archetypal story so that you can draw wisdom from your past experiences, access the opportunities available to you in the present and create beautiful paths of possibility and potentiality for your future. My aim as your tarot counselor is to help you honor your self-knowing and to champion your self-determination to create the life that you most desire.
I practice an approach to tarot that is embodied. That means I blend tarot with embodiment practices such as guided imagery, affirmations, meditation, movement, art and writing, for personal transformation.
You already know how to embody the tarot. You do it simply by living a life. Used consciously, embodying the archetypal wisdom of the tarot can help you deepen your awareness of life lessons and support soul inspired decision-making. The tarot can be used for reflection, to heal, transform, to understand things at a deeper level or layer and to set life direction.
I desire to see you evolve into your most healthy, whole and vibrant self and it’s my joy to use my mastery of tarot and embodiment to support you on your path. Whatever your question, I can provide a map for you to follow.
There are several ways to experience tarot with me.
Tarot with me:
Tarot Consults – customized readings done via phone, Skype, Facetime, Google Hangout or Zoom. Readings range from a half hour to two hours with options to add additional time. Request a reading.
ArcanaDance™ One-on-One Sessions – personalized movement experiences of the tarot. Bring a single card, your birth cards, or an entire reading to life through movement.
In person sessions for both tarot counseling and ArcanaDance™ one-on-one sessions will resume in select locations and times in the Spring 2018. In the interim, all sessions are via phone or online.
ArcanaDance™ series classes – a 75-minute movement exploration of a single tarot archetype.
ArcanaDance™ Retreats and Workshops – these wonderful retreats and workshops offer a balance of learning about tarot, the tarot archetypes, reading the cards and bringing them into movement.
My background in Tarot:

I’ve been reading tarot for over thirty five years. I held a deck in my hands when I was two years old and fell in love with the symbols and stories. I was given my first deck at the age of eleven. From age eleven until today, tarot has been the primary tool I use for my personal, professional and spiritual evolution.
In addition to three decades using the tarot as a map for personal growth, I have spent the past two decades using a variety of somatic practices to center my mind, bring vitality to my body, understand the depth and breadth of my emotions and heal my spirit. These somatic practices include dance, yoga, meditation, martial arts, mindful movement, guided visualization, journal writing, painting, drawing, drumming, shamanic journeying and working with the energy body.
As a kinesthetic learner, I’ve come to appreciate that my body always knows the way to bring me back to balance when I feel I am on shaky ground. More profoundly, I have learned that my body has the deep knowing and capacity to guide me through when I feel stuck, stagnant or am struggling with a situation.